AIDS Counselling Trust Zimbabwe 'ACT' is a non-profit organization that was registered under the Private Voluntary Act on 7 June, 1989
Who We Are
Partnering to build a Zimbabwe whose citizens are empowered and participating meaningfully in all developmental processes
AIDS Counselling Trust Zimbabwe ‘ACT’ is a non-profit organization that was registered under the Private Voluntary Act on 7 June, 1989. The purpose for its establishment was to complement government initiatives in the prevention of HIV infection, strengthening and provision of care and support to people living with HIV and AIDS and their families. Over the years, ACT has been conducting activities on Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR), provision of Social Services, Household Economic Strengthening and Gender Norms Transformation.

What We Stand For
— Our Vision
A Zimbabwe whose citizens are empowered and are participating meaningfully in all developmental processes while enjoying their rights, and a life of dignity
— Our Mission
To engage vulnerable communities in processes that lead them to realize their rights and responsibilities
— Our Values
- Confidentiality: Not to share any privileged information obtained in the course of duty and ensure security.
- Impartiality: Equitable provision of services regardless of gender, race, political affiliation, religion, age, disability, culture or social status.
- Transparency: Openness, honesty and adherence to governance structures and systems.
Accountability: Being responsible and answerable for organizational resource management to relevant stakeholders.
- Child Safeguarding: “Loco – Parenting.” By any means, ensuring “no harm” to children at all levels.
- Human Dignity: Ensuring rights-based and developmental approach in all programming.

Key Team Members